The AUDITEST screening audiometer has been designed for achieving an accurate diagnosis of hearing problems, wherever you are. Modern and performant, its size and ergonomics allow use with just one hand.
AUDITEST screening manual audiometer has been designed for archiving an accurate diagnosis of hearing faculties. Delivered in Kit Form. Headset, Bag, unit with instruction manual.
11 Frequencies from 125Hz up to 8000Hz
Sound levels are adjustable from -10 up to 100HLdB with 5dB steps
Continuous or pulsed tone.
Battery 2 single 1.5v Display on a large LCD Screen.
-Frequency and level
-Stimulus mode
-Status of batteries
-Sound delivery indicator
Silent and embossed Keys, with Automatic power shut down. Medical CE parking (G-MED/CE 0459) in compliance with audiometry standard EN 60645-1.